Learn Vedic Meditation

Schedule a FREE Video Call
Connect with Jahnavi (Julie) and learn everything you need to know to get started and ask any questions your heart desires.

Receive Your Mantra
Vedic Meditation is always taught over a span of four (4) consecutive days. On the first day, you will receive your personalized mantra and then the instruction how to use it properly. You will be meditating your first day.

3 Days of Follow-Up
The remaining 3 days of the course are broken up into 90-minute sessions. Each day we will validate and verify your experiences and meditate together. You will learn new knowledge every day about the mind and body.
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How Can I Learn Vedic Meditation?
If you are ready to commit to a daily meditation practice and receive personal instruction from a teacher with over ten years of experience, this is for you. You will never have to retake another course. I will teach you to become a self-sufficient meditator and offer you a lifetime of support. Less stress equals more joy and happiness. I want that for you and for everyone.