Reclaim Radiance

Wellness Retreat

Aguada, Puerto Rico Jan. 10-14, 2025

Limited Space

Wave of Bliss Wellness - Logo mark 2023

Wave of Bliss


Meditate ~ Nourish ~ Thrive


Hi, I’m Jahnavi (Julie)!

Personal evolution is a powerful thing, and I’m a testament to that. In 2006, I taught myself how to surf. I became someone who was immersed in the natural world and its rhythms on a daily basis. Surfing changed my life for the better in ways I still can’t describe. In 2008, I discovered Vedic Meditation, a discipline both accessible and quietly transformational. I dove into the pursuit of Vedic knowledge headfirst—as if it was one of the oceans I know so well. I studied with every Vedic master I could find, both in Los Angeles and India.

Once in India, I spent many months training at one of the most well-known mother temples Sri Narayani Peedam. This was after having spent years independently studying the goddess traditions. My trips to India, trips when I often traveled alone without the benefit of a guide or translator, immersed me in the culture of the country. I discovered a kinship and love for its ancient traditions of medicine, learning diet and lifestyle techniques that nourished me as an athlete while providing the balance and happiness I needed to evolve.

Surfing and meditation changed my life profoundly, and they are the two most important components in my happiness formula.

I currently teach meditation and the art of Vedic living in Los Angeles, Detroit, and Puerto Rico (where I currently live). I also host retreats globally.

I know this technique changes lives, and I’m passionate about sharing it with others.

Scheduled through Calendly as a 30-minute video call

Vedic Meditation

Vedic Meditation is an effortless, natural, and powerful style of meditation. It is a silent eyes-closed technique practiced for 20 minutes twice a day in a comfortable seated position. Each student is given a personal mantra and taught the art of transcendence. Your body receives profound levels of rest in this hypermetabolic state which allows the body to heal and unwind stresses in the nervous system. Less stress equals more happiness and equanimity.

What is Vedic? It comes from the 5,000-year-old body of knowledge from India known as the Veda – comprised of the universal laws of nature and human consciousness. This is a non-religious practice that is applicable to all regardless of faith or philosophy.

Stress Relief

Meditation can decrease depression, anxiety, and insomnia. It also slows signs of aging and increases creativity and intelligence.

Increased Positivity

This technique can result in greater tolerance, sociability, marital satisfaction, and improved emotional maturity. Increase self-confidence, productivity, time management, and have a more positive perception of self and others.

Achieve Happiness

Possible side effects: Happiness for no damn reason.

How Can I Learn Vedic Meditation?

Schedule a FREE Video Call

Receive Your Mantra

Follow-Up Sessions

Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there – buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day.

Deepak Chopra

“If we think of defeat that’s what we get. If we are undecided, then nothing will happen for us.
We must just pick something great to do and do it. Never think of failure at all.
For as we think now, that’s what we get.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“Listen to the sound of waves within you.”


“You deserve the best. Never feel unworthy or not justified in having the best.
I tell you, this is your heritage; but, you have to accept it; you have to expect it.
You have to claim it. To do so is not demanding too much.”

Swami Brahmananda Saraswati 
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati

“Don’t worry about the situation of the world. You must be happy! Very, very happy!
Only through happiness and waves of bliss will you be able to help your country and
the entire world in an automatic manner.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Some Kind Words

“Julie is a wonderful teacher-very grounded and attentive to the needs of her students.
I’ve been practicing meditation for over a year. I am in the middle of a tough divorce,
but meditation has enabled me to maintain my sanity and, believe it or not a sense of calm.”

Mary Mills 
Mary Mills

“Truly grateful to have someone like Julie to introduce and immerse me in the practice of Vedic Meditation.
Her approach is both accessible and comprehensive, not to mention great fun. Vedic Meditation is now an essential
and dynamic part of my daily health routine and I have her to thank for that.”

Matt Vig 
Matt Vig

“This beauty has changed my life. I thought I knew what meditation was until I met my teacher.
4 days for a couple of hours with her and you are a self-sufficient meditator. Meditation has nothing to do with
“religion” it is about quieting the mind and connecting with pure consciousness. I have had so many amazing things
happen since I utilized the power of my mind more. Thank you Julie, for teaching me how to release stress and negativity.
I am so much happier.”

Gayle Fuller 
Gayle Fuller